by Martin Urban, DDS | Jul 2, 2021 | DDS, Martin Urban, Martin Urban DDS
Donations are an act of generosity and showing love, care, and affection towards someone or a group of people. Even today, when the world has progressed so much, there are still many types of people who need our generosity or are dependent on other people’s care...
by Martin Urban, DDS | Jun 8, 2021 | DDS, Martin Urban, Martin Urban DDS
Supporting the homeless is an important cause to many Americans. Unhoused people are without the cornerstone of shelter, around which everyone else builds their lives. It’s often difficult for them to get by or rebuild their lives without assistance from others....
by Martin Urban, DDS | Apr 6, 2021 | DDS, Martin Urban, Martin Urban DDS, Uncategorized
Due to recent attacks and increased racism towards Asian-Americans in the wake of COVID-19, this minority group is suffering greatly. However, contrary to some other topics being discussed in the media at the moment, Asian-Americans are not receiving the support and...
by Martin Urban, DDS | Jan 11, 2021 | DDS, Martin Urban, Martin Urban DDS
Numerous individuals and companies tend to commit to charitable giving at the end of the year. Charitable giving peaks in December because of the generosity of the holiday season. Additionally, several companies seek to enjoy the tax benefits of donating before the...
by Martin Urban, DDS | Dec 11, 2020 | DDS, Martin Urban, Martin Urban DDS
The year 2020 has been a challenging one for philanthropy. In-person fundraising events are canceled, and many nonprofit organizations have seen an increased need. Due to COVID-’19, charitable giving is more challenging these days, but it is more important than...